The assets of FAME consist mostly of the base capital and donations to the capital. The base capital, which came from founding member Franz Alois Meiners, originally consisted of 50,000 DM (about 25,000 Euro). Since then the capital has risen to 60,000 Euro through donations from many people. This capital is important for the FAME foundation because it can stay in the foundation forever and the interest used for the aims of the foundation.
You can support the work of FAME through a standard donation or a donation to the base capital. Normally the donations are used directly for our charity projects. Alternatively you can increase the base capital, which will be effective longterm. Consider whether you can donate to the good work of FAME. Donators to the capital regularly receive information about the work of FAME.
Our account for donations:
FAME-Stiftung, IBAN: DE06 6145 0050 0110 0007 87
Bank: Kreissparkasse Ostalb, BIC: OASPDE6AXXX